How does the jnp work – how does a self-organised youth orchestra work? The jnp network has been growing for 14 years, structures have been formed and experience has been gathered. With k-wiki we want to give an overview of our structure, working methods and project planning in order to share this experience and motivate people to realise their own courageous and innovative projects
wie funktioniert die jnp – wie funktioniert ein selbstorganisiertes Jugendorchester? Seit 14 Jahren wächst das Netzwerk jnp, haben sich Strukturen gebildet und wurden Erfahrungswerte gesammelt. Mit k-wiki wollen wir einen Überblick über unsere Struktur, Arbeitsweise und Projektplanung geben um diese Erfahrungswerte zu teilen und zu eigenen Projekten zu motivieren
Teamstruktur und Aufgabenbereiche/ Team Structure and Areas of Responsibility
Team Structure and Areas of Responsibility The jnp is a non-profit organization run by volunteers. Most of the…
Continue Reading Teamstruktur und Aufgabenbereiche/ Team Structure and Areas of Responsibility
Projektoganisation – Details/ Projectorganisation – details
Many aspects of project organization can often feel like an insurmountable challenge. How do I get my music…
Continue Reading Projektoganisation – Details/ Projectorganisation – details
Projektorganisation – Zeitplan / Schedule
Our project planning generally begins a year in advance, so while current projects are ongoing, planning for the…
Programmgestaltung/ Program Design
We ensure diversity in our program design and make sure there is always a composition by a female…
Digital Formats
From podcasts and educational series to online concert formats – since the Covid-19 pandemic at the latest, there…
Finanzierung/ Financing
The most crucial aspect of many projects is financing. We fund our jnp projects mainly through public grants.…
We at jnp place great importance on ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and safe during our projects. Mindful…
Arbeitstools/ Worktools
We have established various tools to enable collaborative work within the association, even remotely. SlackCommunication within the team,…
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